Sunday 10 October 2010

Youtubing day

I am so tired doing my part on sdp =_="


my day are brighten by NIGAHIGA on youtube. I must say he rocks. Peeps you gotta really take a look at his video. Not cause I think he's hot or cute. Its cause he is so FUNNY!! and yeah, its also the part about him being hot and cute AHA!

So what are you waiting for... start stalking him on youtube!!!

Aha.... Bum bum~~

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Busy week

Its been awhile I didn't update this blog and that means I'm outdated!!! Why??? I think I am shut off from the real world since right now my world is basically sitting in front of my laptop. Imagine where all the fats go when I eat .....(Of course... it goes to the butt!!! Aha) Well ... just don't imagine it. I don't want people reading this looking or staring at my butt. Its a valuable asset. OMGoodness what am I talking???!!!

Busy week and my final semester is almost ending. Happy and yet tiring and maybe a little bit stress. But then I shouldn't let the stress playing with my mind (peaceful happy mind)... I am happy right now =) I feel good today. Seriously.. I feel really good. Not that I'm cute or anything. Just the fact I feel good and I'm happy and SINGLE!!! *looking for dates... nah~~* Ahaha...

PS: All is well .... *line from 3 idiots*


Thursday 30 September 2010

I got myself a personal trainer =)

I finally did it!!! I walk on the thread mill and manage to go for 0.70km. It seems like I went on for AGES!!! But i finally did it =) *YEAH*

Wondering who is my personal trainer??? Its none other than my beloved sister *applause*

=) I can only smile.... a weak smile *Because I'm so tired!! Its been like AGES or FOREVER for me to get off that thread mill =..)* Fabulous Fab please get off me =(

I can do this!! *positive*

How are you?

tapai kasto hunuhuncha .....  a new language. A nepali friend taught me that. I doubt that I could say it but for sure I could only spell it aha (Taki what are you grinning about??) ahaha...

Tuesday 28 September 2010

New Me

IN with the NEW  and OUT with the OLD...

alot of things happen but today I will only talk about ONE thing!!!


^^ ehe....

Sunday 26 September 2010


Note to self: Cousin Lily got engaged and I didn't attend =( *excuse was : WDP assignment*

What should I post today???

*singing* Tako tako tako tako tako tako tako tako takoyaki manto man *singing* that song sticks in my head LOL. Taki .......(If you are reading this... I know you are reading it now)...your song is so annoying but I annoyingly addicted to it. Must have been cause by the fact that you keep singing it and your blog keep playing that song over and over again ..............................AYAYA!!!

I think I FB-ing alot today too. I keep giving people "=)" . Random mode.

Glad that my CHMS friends still remember me. I made a new FB account and yet they know me aha and one of them say " Hello!!! I know how you look like and its obviously your name. Full name or not, its still obviously you!!" ^^ Ehe... I love u guys!!!!! 

I am who I am. I am me. Taki, you get what i meant by that??!! Obviously, you can't be me. I repeat that again. You can't be me!! ^^ 

Lets us all smile for... (i have no idea how to end this post so..?? ehe...) Lets us all just smile. Smile and wave

Saturday 25 September 2010

Elephant in Brunei

We all agree that South Africa have dozen of elephant running wild and what more in Thai and its neighbouring countries. How about Brunei? Never heard of Brunei, Home of the Elephant? (Home of elephant?!! That's a good one =D ehe) Of course Brunei is not Home of the elephant (What were you thinking peeps??!!!) *EMO* 

Let me share with you all something amazing. What if i say there is elephant in Brunei... Would you believe it? (C'mon believe it!! Its not gonna hurt ya know) Just what if there is AN elephant in Brunei... *please give it a second thought* .... It will be mind blowing no..?? ehe...

Well lets give it up for the ELEPHANT.... *elephant sound* Okay... drum roll please.... *drum rolling* and put your hands together (You're almost there folks) .......*applause*  .......

What if that what if is not what if..... (what am i saying??) ^^!

Well.... check it out below and be amaze (If not amaze.... Act as if you are -_-!) This elephant is found in Brunei (Its True!!!) and this picture i took with my own bare hand *using a camera of course... be reasonable*

*No one can spot me behind this tree*

*I guess this position will surely make people NOT to spot me*

SO ........... I told you so (what was that all about but that's what people say after SO right?) 

If you're wondering what's with the tree?! I have no idea why but i guess you should ask the Elephant  ^^V

Friday 24 September 2010

Feeling EMO

*EMO* Its almost that time of the month and i'm having mood swing. I'm having this uneasy feeling =( I started to remember him and the feeling of !@#$%^&*()_+ I don't know whats my feeling but then again I feel so hurt and uneasy.  When i don't think about him, i'm okay. I don't hate him. but I'm so PISSED!!!! I just don't get it. Why did he do this? I'm tired of all this. I'm really tired. I really am... 


Wednesday 22 September 2010


A date to be remembered! Firstly the reason is... i got my stuff  *yahoo*  Actually that's not what i wanted to point out (maybe i got carried away XD) I'm thankful that my sister is back and done with her master.

And then i can continue with the *YAHOO!!!!!* na na na na na~ i've got my stuff!!!! Well of course i am thrill to see my sister (who isn't?!) and able to see my cousins especially nana and yen yen... I was a bit emotional because i really miss my baby nana and i was able to hold baby yen yen in my arms...*big smile* She was really heavy for a baby aha ....12kg (heavy!! i think i have muscle now XD) Have you ever laugh at a baby when she did something silly?? Well i did that today and yen yen look at me with her big round eyes and then she burst into tears. She cry and then stop to stare at me and when i look at her with my smile she just cry. Sensitive baby... and my aunt told me to carry her away since she was crying in the restaurant. She cry even more louder when i held her in my arm and i took her to another room and no one was watching and she pinch me. ^^" she was upset with me because i was laughing at her when she spill her soya beans.  Sensitive i said to myself. Good thing i know how to calm her down...(i know i know i'm so lovable that why she couldn't stay mad at me =P) Then when yen yen was all quite down and settle with a smile on her face, i went back to where the family were seated and then i told my aunt "Yen yen is such a senstive baby" and my aunt reply "Yen yen is a duplicate of you. Exactly alike when you were her age" ^^ I guess i was one sensitive baby back then. And my family agree with it... ^^" 

Monday 20 September 2010


SPAM!! Spam is everywhere. There's alot of different kind of SPAM, but I'm not talking about the kind of spam you find on the net. This spam i'm talking about is the walking alive spam. A walking spam? U may ask (Taki if you're reading this, you know what i'm talking about)

This is a special kind of SPAM. It was known as Syaz Wani. It is a rare kind of SPAM. Its no joke peeps. At first I couldn't believe but then the SPAM detector confirm it TWICE. Let me repeat TWICE.

Taki, you're a SPAM!!! Aha ^^ Taki-chan, when will you ever learn ^^". Please kind reader tell Taki for me that..... "Aha, SPAM!! SPAM!!" (Taki, its your blog name and your skin!!) 

All the best Taki. Let us support this rare SPAM. Its a rare opportunity. XD

Sunday 19 September 2010

Ordinary Sunday

It was such an ordinary Sunday, the clouds were fluffy as ever and the sun was at its best shining in the sky. The birds were singing beautifully flying here and there. It seem the world was at peace ( it has been like this for ages =P but never had the chance to really say it ) ... Oh what a glorious day... ( sound so poetic no? ^^ aha! ) .... Well it is a great Sunday today coz i ate quite alot today XD. 

And today i learnt quite alot of good stuff too from daddy's friend. He said that based on research in US, most of the good looking people most likely to have alot of  daughter than son. So he said, if you have more daughter than son, you are then consider good looking ^^ I have to agree coz my parents are cute people. And that means I'm cute too ^^ (true right? I thought so too XD) ... 

What's the moral of the story?? Get pregnant with baby girl!!! Aha!!

But for me..... Good looking doesn't mean about appearance, i guess you can be good looking from the heart. Inner beauty. OMGoodness!!!! Aha.. i just remember... Eeee girl!! I'm so pissed! She isn't pretty from both outside and inside. She is just to me "PLAIN UGLY!!" .... Why oh why did her face appear in my mind... Oh yes!! Coz yesterday she annoy me... ( Like super annoying ).... I guess I was abit... ( alil bit only..thank goodness) abit harsh. Well thats what you get when you went beyond the limits of my patience. ^^ I'm lil but tough.. Aha! Tough cookie (too long in the oven) 

Blog Marathon

Blogging isn't the new thing right now... But it is for us AHA! ^^" I'm not saying we're NEW to blog world. Its just that now we know what to blog about (Gossip!!! ) Last night Taki was going nuts on the skin... jumping from one website to another (not literally jumping off from one screen onto another... how is that possible?? Can you do that Taki? If she is the Octopus i suppose ^^) "Hurry up Taki, I wanna comment on your blog"

Its great to type something randomly and just say whatever I want. I feel so alive! *emotional* It makes me feel as if I'm a journalist, reporter, magazine editor.... anything that sound like I got stories ^^ Its something alright.

Saturday 18 September 2010

Dear Dy......



By the time i'm telling you to go on the net and check my'll be surprise to see what is in store for you (Yes you Dy!! You!!) What d'ya tink? Like what you see?? I guess you're one of my inspiration to open a blog account. So be merry for Whoz has someting up her sleeve for you ^^ ( technically its in your face right now =D) Don't give me that look Dy ( U know what I'm talking about...)..... Smile smile smile... coz I'm smiling and .... Ai and Taki are smiling too *coff coff* ....( They are Dy!! Really really!!) Now you know why Taki and I were smiling that night?? Its Taki's ideas ^^' ehehe....  ( I'm not selling you out Taki-chan 0=D) Below are the pictures Taki took with my phone *poor quality* ( or its Taki's fault?) hmm..

Dy and Ky.... hehehehehe.... Taki's ideas dy and I'm just posting it. So just beware folks, candid camera... I'll try to get better quality pictures. But for now its Dy experiment ^^'' Dy we all love you *puppy eyes* ( Seriously~) 

Honesty is really sexy!!


I finally made up my mind about the blog skin ^^" *phew~ wasn't an easy task to do* Even though i google free blogger template, its still a difficult task. Gotta edit that...this....and that again until i'm like " ok ok this is it!!" .... So that how my blog came to life... how did this blog exist?? Coz WHOZ exist (echo:whoz?) *lame!!* =)

What shall be my first post?? Hmm... lets talk about HONESTY! The word HONESTY comes from HONEST (duh!!!) And the word HONEST means to tell people straight in the face (in a nice way..)..telling the truth (in a soft tone and not in a shocking way).... So that's what honesty to me. *So my beloved friend.. be FRANK!!!... and i'm not telling you to change name to Frank... be reasonable* 

In all my life... now that i'm in my awesome early 20 "teen". Please be noted why i stress the word "teen", this is due to my young looks (its not a laughing matter XD)... i came across alot of people who are 50-50 honest. Lets face it, i'm one of them BUT i tend to tell people directly in a funny awkward and cute way =P. But then again some people are just "plastic", some genius fake friend of mine would say (And yes i'm talking about the Eee girl). I dont know how Eee can live a life full of fake-ness... fake smile, fake laugh, fake compliment.... (lots of fake-ness).

Some people mostly guys well not all but some.... They couldnt be honest because they quoted "I was trying to look after your feelings". Well earth to you guys!!! (not all.. men please dont get offended)... if you wanna look after our feeling, do tell us truthfully... with a pinch of love. In every relationship, honesty is important, whether be it with parents, your other half, family members and friend. Of course, honesty was never an easy things to do when telling or accepting facts. 

Honesty is sexy!! Truth does hurt but then its better to know than being lied to. Honesty... Truth.... bring about trust.

So yeah.. honesty is really sexy!!